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Verber Services

Welcome to Verber Services, where efficient scheduling meets seamless client interaction. Designed to streamline the booking experience of your clients/students/audience, Verber is the ultimate tool for professionals looking to optimize their time-value, increase their reach to global audience, and enhance service delivery.

Verber offers a suite of features meticulously crafted to reduce unnecessary clicks to update your availability-calendar, and empower you - as a user - with intuitive booking solutions with "Booking Cards". Whether you're coordinating one-on-one guitar lessons or setting up multiple service offerings as a Marketing specialist, Verber's user-friendly interface and robust functionality make managing your appointments and accepting payments a breeze. Dive into our detailed Services features and elevate the path to your successful freelancing/content-creator/teaching career experience today!

Note: This webpage covers detailed Services features that Verber offers. If you are new to Verber, then please follow the Tutorial to get started.

BookMe Feature - Booking made easy!

Verber's BookMe feature simplifies the process of sharing your availability. Explore these features and more by watching the video tutorial, guiding you through the Verber's BookMe functionality. Dive in to streamline your scheduling process!

Update your calendar the smart way - Saves 100+ clicks!

User selects the availability time slots only once and can easily copy them over all multiple dates using Verber's ADD SELECTED TIMES TO MULTIPLE DAYS button.

Watch the following video to see how this functionality can save you so many repetative clicks, making it quick to update your availability calendar:

Minimizing the number of clicks in updating one's calendar isn't just about saving time; it's about boosting your productivity overall and using the saved time in doing things that add to Your professional growth. With Verber's ADD SELECTED TIMES TO MULTIPLE DAYS feature, you (as a User) can eliminate the repetitive and tedious task of manual entries. This streamlined process significantly reduces the time spent navigating an old-fashioned digital interface of updating your calendar-availability, allowing you to focus more on what's truly important - your work and clients. Efficiency in calendar management translates into more time for strategic planning and creativity, ultimately leading to a more productive and fulfilling professional life.

Clients/Audience Book Time with the User using Google Calendar Event

On Verber, you (as a user) have a seamless way to allow the clients/audience to book your Services using Google Calendar Event. This feature comes in super-handly when you need Video/Audio meetings as part of your Services offerings. This functionality is demonstrated below:

Book time with Creator using Google Calendar

The ability for clients and audiences to book time using Google Calendar Events is a pivotal feature that enhances the accessibility and professionalism of your service offerings. This integration not only simplifies the scheduling process for both parties but also ensures a smooth transition into meetings, be it video or audio. It's about minimizing barriers to direct engagement and maximizing convenience, leading to improved client/audience satisfaction and increased trust in your services. In a digital age where time is of the essence, this feature stands out as a critical tool for maintaining a competitive edge and fostering strong, reliable connections with your audience.

Adding Multiple Service Booking Cards

You (as a user) can make it easy for Clients/Customers to book your Services with flexibility like never before using Verber's Booking Cards.

For example, you (as a User) can create multiple Booking Cards for the services you offer with customizations on the duration, bulk booking discounts, etc.:

  • Booking Card # 1: Book 1 Guitar Class with me: $75 per class, 1 hour
  • Booking Card # 2: Book 8 Guitar Classes with me: $400, 8 x 1 hour ($50 per class with bulk booking discount)

Similarly, you can add as many Booking Cards as you find useful for showing the variety in your Services offering.

Booking Cards to Offer Services that resonate with your audience

Adding multiple service booking cards is a game-changer for both you (the service provider) and the customer/client/student. It offers unprecedented flexibility and choice, making it easier for your audience to find and select a service that best fits their needs and budget. This feature not only enhances the user experience by providing clear and tailored options but also significantly increases the chances of conversion and customer satisfaction for you. By accommodating various preferences and requirements, you're not just selling a service; you're providing a personalized solution that resonates with the diverse needs of your clientele. In today's competitive market, such customization is invaluable in building loyalty and driving growth.

What's more? Verber also let's you link all of your other Social Media profiles on your Verber Profile page to help craft your Personal Brand seamlessly. If you haven't already, create your account today to join Verber!


1. How do Verber Services work?

On Verber platform, you can offer your Services to global audience. This feature of the platform is designed to streamline the booking experience, making scheduling efficient for professionals, and making it easier to accept payment online from your client/student/audience in different currencies. It's an ideal tool for optimizing time-value, expanding global reach, and enhancing service delivery across various professions like freelancing, content creation, and teaching.

2. How does Verber help in managing my calendar?

On your Verber personal profile page, where you list your Services (by creating 'Booking Cards'), you also list your availability by filling out the info about the hours you are available if a client wishes to book a particular service. Additionally, Verber also offers a unique feature allowing you (that is, the User) to update your calendar efficiently. With the ADD SELECTED TIMES TO MULTIPLE DAYS button, you can select availability time slots once and easily copy them across multiple dates, saving over 100 clicks and significantly reducing the time spent on manual entries of your availability information.

3. While making a Booking, can my client book an Video or Audio meeting?

Yes, Verber offer a feature where clients can book Services using Google Calendar Events integrated into Verber. This feature facilitates easy booking of video/audio meetings as part of your service offerings, enhancing the professionalism and accessibility of your services.

4. What are Booking Cards, and how do they work?

Booking Cards are a flexible way for users to showcase different service offerings and price points. For example, you can create multiple cards for different quantities or types of services, like individual or bundled guitar classes, each with its pricing. This allows your audience/students/clients to choose the service that best fits their needs and budget. To setup Booking Cards, follow this Tutorial.

5. Can I offer multiple types of services on Verber?

Yes, Verber is designed to handle multiple service offerings. Whether you're a guitar teacher or a marketing specialist, you can set up different Booking Cards for each of your services, offering variety and flexibility to your clients.

6. What are the benefits of using Verber for my professional services?

Using Verber can significantly enhance your professional life by saving time through efficient calendar management, providing flexible service offerings with Booking Cards, simplifying the booking process for your clients, having a streamlined way on this same profile to accept payment (in more than one currency). This leads to increased productivity, client satisfaction, and potentially, a larger client base. By offering your Services on Verber, you are essentially opening up a direct monetization channel so that as your personal brand and follower-ship grow, so does your earning potential.