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1. What's Verber?

Verber is a global platform designed to empower creators of all types. It provides a range of tools and services to help creators attract a global audience, manage and enhance their online presence, and get paid directly from their audience.

2. Is Verber really free?

We currently take 1-2% for our early users. It may increase to 5% in the future. So, Hurry Up!

3. How do the payments work?

You can accept payments globally.

4. What are the transaction charges?

Payment gateways like Stripe typically charge around 3% of the transaction amount. This charge is beyoud our control.

User FAQs

Below you will find links to the FAQ sections of the respective parts / features of your Verber profile.

Profile Sign-Up / Account

For questions related to profile (creation, password reset, etc.) visit the FAQ section of the Tutorial: 1. Verber Profile.


For questions related to payments visit the FAQ section of the Tutorial: 3. Verber Payments.


For questions related to wallet visit the FAQ section of the Tutorial: 6. Verber Wallet.

Dashboard / Profile-Page

Services, Availability-Calendar

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