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Creators - Are you ready to take the leap?

· 5 min read

Content creation as a full-time job is a dream of many.

Mere idea of being part of passion economy is undoubtedly captivating, as it says:

Do what you love and make a living out of it.


For those of you who may not have heard of the term passion economy: The passion economy refers to a trend in which individuals are able to monetize their passions and hobbies through online platforms and services. This trend has been driven in part by the rise of social media and other online platforms, which have made it easier for individuals to share their interests and expertise with a wider audience. The passion economy has given rise to a new generation of entrepreneurs who are able to make a living by doing what they love and sharing their passions with others.

In theory, it is dream come true for every human being - when work becomes fun, earning a living is not a mundane affair anymore.

Still, the journey from being a "content creator" to a "solopreneur" who is able to make living by sharing hobbies is not a short one. According to a recent survey from HubSpot, only ~15% can make ends meet and support their family as a full-time content creator.


Many do it as a side-hustle for a long time before they are ready to take the leap. Some are testing the waters before taking a plunge and others are building the resilience muscle before embarking on this largely self-guided path.

There comes a point in the journey of the creator when they need to decisively think about making a sustainable business out of their content creation hobby. They have the skills and the perseverance to consistency offer valuable content to the audience. Yet, they find it hard to take the leap.

They realize that solopreneurship requires them to wear multiple hats at the same time. They need to be an artist, an engineer, and an entrepreneur to be successful content creator.


🚀 Create like an artist

"Creation" of something new is an art. As content creators, they are have honed their art of creating content (or maybe are in the process of making it better by day).

🚀 Solve like an engineer

Solving like an engineer does not mean getting an engineering degree! It simply means identifying the bottlenecks and using available digital tools to solve them!

🚀 Act like an entrepreneur

Acting like an entrepreneur means: they know that they will need to take the first baby step and the second baby step and the third step... If they are stuck and need help, they will need to reach out for help - online or offline. But they know that they will own their story!

Yet, only 15% of the survey respondents above are able to make it their full-time job.

Then what's making it harder for them to grow their business as solopreneur?


Because even though they are providing useful content, they are not able to push the content through the channels that can help them monetize it properly.

What's the solution then?

You got to first understand the problem!

Problem is - as a solopreneur they just don't have enough time in a day to do it all alone. In the initial stages they create content for the joy of it. They just want to share their ideas, thoughts, and creative ways of thinking. Then they start gaining followers and soon have a community.

Now they start thinking about monetization. And for that the solopreneur needs to be able to scale their services fast - not just in the form of passive content they create but also dynamic interactions with their community. They need to engage with (sometimes 1:1) more people in less amount of time (because there will always be only 24 hours in a day!).

They create awesome content
They have audience
They have community

But they are bottle-necked by TIME.


They sure have the ABILITY to do it all by themselves, but they are constrained by TIME.

So, they need to find ways to off-load the mundane and repetitive tasks to digital tools and services that can take care of tasks like scheduling and accepting payments needs. And then focus all their energies on doing WHAT THEY DO BEST - creating content!

Doing content creation as a full time job requires careful management of time and the understanding that digital tools need to be used for taking care of repetitive tasks.

The obstacles are finite. Once you cross them, the terrain ought to get beautiful.

So, are you prepared to find your path to take the leap?

Create your Profile to boost your journey for free. Start by consolidating your online profiles in one place, manage and monetize your calendar, accept payments and much more!